Work w/ Angela


Angela Adley, a Certified Fatherless Daughter Advocate, aims to help women and girls heal their daddy wounds through her powerful, and result driven programs and workshops.

What is a Fatherless Daughter?

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A Fatherless Daughter Woman is a female who grew up with an absent, unattached, or unavailable father. This one key missing element in a girl’s life can have real consequences as she becomes a woman. The impact of an absent, unattached, or unavailable father on his adult daughter’s life is critical when it comes to her relationship with men, and her relationship with money.

When a girl’s father makes it clear to her that she is loved unconditionally, for who she is, and that he approves of her then he begins to lay a foundation for her healthy sense of self-worth, self-love, and self-value that will follow her into adulthood. If however, a little girl does not have such a relationship with her father and she sees rejection, emotional coldness, withdrawal from him, or if he simply is not available and doesn’t provide for her emotional needs then her sense of self-worth will be tainted, and her self-confidence warped or non-existent. In addition, her portrait of a loving relationship or image of provisions within a relationship may become distorted or dysfunctional, and she may find herself – feeling unsafe and insecure.

Angela Adley, a Certified Fatherless Daughter Advocate, aims to help women and girls heal their daddy wounds through her powerful, and result driven programs and workshops.

Vow 2 Love Workshop for Girls


This 5 hour interactive hands-on workshop is for girls ages 7-10. In this workshop, participants will learn how to redefine who they are, reclaim their worth, and rewrite a new story for their lives. Using fun and exciting exercises, etiquette, as well as personal growth lessons that will turn your daughters into extraordinary young ladies.

Workshop At-A-Glance

  • Visual Poises: Proper Posture, Sitting, and Stances for Ladies
  • Who is That Girl in The Mirror? Understanding Your Value and Your Worth
  • Table Manners for Extraordinary Young Girls (Lunch Time)
  • Dear Daddy: Journey of  Love, Acceptance, and Forgiveness
  • I Am Not That Girl! From Fatherlessness to Fabulous
  • I Vow 2 Love: A Brand New Me!

Fatherless Daughter Workshop for Women

ladiesday_web-copyGrowing up without the love and attention of a father can have many negative consequences on a female once she reaches adulthood.

Through this powerful and result driven workshop, Certified Fatherless Daughter Advocate, Angela Adley, will help women heal their daddy wounds and move into a journey of love, acceptance, and forgiveness.

Workshop At-A-Glance

  • The Fatherless Daughter Archetype System
  • How We Do Love is How We Do Money
  • Your Journey to Being

To learn about upcoming workshops in your area or to host a workshop, contact us at: